Q&A with Logan Bell, new Academic Success Coordinator

Meet Logan Bell, a new Department of Forest and Rangeland Stewardship advisor.

Schedule an appointment here.

pronouns: He, Him, His

Q: Where are you from?

A: I’ve lived and grown up mostly in the Kansas City metro area, but I call Lawrence, Kansas home.

Q: What is your degree/alma mater?

A: My undergraduate degree is in English Rhetoric, Language, and Writing; my graduate degree is in Higher Education Administration, both from KU!

Q: How would you describe your advising style?

A: Holistic and proactive. I understand that students at CSU are experiencing more than just academic classrooms, and those experiences influence their journey at CSU and beyond. I want to hear about all the success, and all forms of struggle, that students navigate at CSU.

Q: What was your favorite subject in school?

A: English

Q: What is your favorite food or type of food?

A: Any kind of breakfast food, my absolute favorite food is cinnamon rolls.

Q: Top place you have traveled?

A: Memphis, Tennessee

Q: What is your favorite place/thing to do in Fort Collins?

A: I’ve only just started exploring, but visiting the farmers market on the weekends has been wonderful! I love to pick up fresh produce and make a recipe as I walk through the different booths. It reminds me of the importance of community, and I always find something new to explore.